Which of the Top 5 Factors do you struggle with most?
Raising a top crop can only be achieved if you follow our Top 5 Factors. If you started with establishing the goal of planting the seed in the best soil conditions possible, as explained in Factor #1, and focused on seed placement, as explained in the Factor #2, then it is now time to consider what we call Factor #3, seed quality.
Factor #3
Seed Quality
There are a couple of things farmers must know about seed quality. First, they must trust their seed supplier to deliver them the highest quality seed possible. They know little about the actual quality of the seed they’re buying because the only information they’re given is the warm germination reading. Cold test analysis, vigor ratings, trait and genetic purity levels are not required, therefore not offered by companies. That means growers must assume the seed is of the highest quality and do everything they can to protect that quality through planting.

Even the highest quality seed can be negatively impacted when put in soils unfit for planting.
Protect Your seed
Since growers don’t have much information, they need to know how to protect the quality of the seed they buy both before and during planting. Proper storage and careful handling of the seed is essential. Each seed is a living breathing organism prone to growing abnormally or even dying when not planted properly in good soil conditions.
Seed quality is more important than genetics. But what good is top quality seed if it’s not properly placed in soil conditions that allow its genetic potential to be realized. As growers we need to remember that every box, bag and mini bulk of seed contains a living breathing organism that is subjected to over a 1000 variables throughout the course of its life cycle. Seed quality surpasses all other factors that will affect a varieties performance, including genetics. That’s why seed quality is one of the Top 5 Factors to produce that top crop every farmer wants.