Which of the Top 5 Factors do you struggle with most?
There are five key factors that go into raising a top crop. But Factor #4, the importance of placing the right variety in the right field is the one that many farmers ignore or don’t even know about. Following our Top 5 Factors will allow you to produce the best crop possible.
Factor #4
Planting the Right Variety in the Right Field
Proper product placement has been discussed for years by companies, but few if any, actually execute the strategy. Reviewing and looking at the specifics of each growers field utilizing a field visit is the only way a well-executed variety by field cropping plan can be started. Leaving growers to guess where varieties are best placed puts them at a disadvantage without having information on genetic background and variety characteristics that can be affected by the 1000 variables that occur every year on top of the over 30 different soil types we work with in our area.
We know that 75% of all varieties never perform to their potential because they’re planted in the wrong field. That means a farmer has just a 1 in 4 chance of raising a top crop when Factor #4 of the Top 5 Factors is not followed. Huge yield opportunities are lost every year because farmers don’t plant the right variety in the right field. It does little good to ensure the best soil conditions, proper seed placement, and the highest seed quality are all in place during planting, if the wrong variety is placed in the field. Whether done in the field or in the office, the variety by field cropping plan is the primary tool essential to properly executing Factor# 4. The last comment every grower should be able to make to his seed supplier once variety selection is complete is,
Thanks for taking the extra time to match each variety to a field. I know now everything is in place to produce the best crop possible.